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Python getters and setters

If you have ever worked with a language such as Java, the concept of getter or setter won't be foreign to you. If you haven't, getters and setters are methods which let you access and modify class attributes; usually where you wouldn't have access otherwise because of the restricting scope. It may then come as a surprise that Python, where all members are public, also has a concept of getters, setters and deleters.

I'd like to cover how to use getters and setters in Python as well as the proper way to manage attributes.

The following won't be exhaustive, there are details and subtleties to Python which you will find in the Resources section.

Attributes and where to find them

When creating a custom class in Python, an instance's namespace is stored in a dictionary object, which can be accessed with the __dict__ attribute. In a basic class, accessing an attribute is merely a lookup in the dictionary to retrieve to value of the attribute, if it exists.

Let's practice and build a Person object with a name and an age.

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

person = Person("Lenny", 34)

Since there is no concept of private instance variables in Python, the class attributes are exposed and we can access them directly. We can also use the dictionary which stores the attributes and grab them from there. The following expressions are equivalent.

print(person.name, person.age) # prints Lenny 34
print(person.__dict__["name"], person.__dict__["age"]) # prints Lenny 34

It also means that there is no protection around attributes, they can be modified through assignment, even erroneously.

person.name = "Jenny"
person.age = 45
print(person.name, person.age) # prints Jenny 45

If you want to signal to other developers that they should not modify an attribute because it is implementation specific or will be subject to change internally, you can add an underscore before its name. Note that it does not change anything in practice but it's a commonly accepted convention in Python.

We can update our class definition and signal we do not want a person's name to be changed. We can still access the attributes in the same way as above, it is strictly a cosmetic change.

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self._name = name
        self.age = age

person = Person("Jack", 67)

print(person._name, person.age) # prints Jack 67
print(person.__dict__["_name"], person.__dict__["age"]) # prints Jack 67

Another function of getters and setters in languages such as Java or C++, aside from encapsulation, is to check for attribute validity. The current way of accessing attributes does not allow any kind of validation; there must be a better way!


Earlier, I said that accessing an instance attribute gets the value from the instance's __dict__ but we can wrap this access with an function call that provides additional capabilities. More precisely, we use the property() class to create a descriptor. A descriptor lets you customize how access, storage and deletion happen in an object, which we will make use of in the following example. The specific way of calling property() prefixed with the @ symbol is called a decorator and is worth a post in and of itself. Know at least that it's usually used to add functionalities to a Python object. Here, we use it to change how the attribute behaves upon access/storage/deletion.

Using properties is useful, for example, when an attribute is re-computed on access, to verify if an attribute assignment checks some conditions, to manage complex deletions, etc. But they also have a downside: more code and more overhead, which is why you probably shouldn't use them for trivial classes. Now that you're warned, onto our example once more.

Let's update the Person class to use properties and check that the age is not negative when it is set. Here's a breakdown of what's happening:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self._name = name
        self._age = age

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def age(self):
        return self._age

    def age(self, new_age):
        if new_age <= 0:
            raise ValueError(f"new_age should be positive but received: {new_age}")
            self._age = new_age

    def age(self):
        del self._age

person = Person("John", 31)
person.name = "Frank" # AttributeError: can't set attribute 'name'
person._name = "Frank" # Works but you shouldn't do that
person.age = 0 # ValueError: new_age should be positive but received: 0
person._age = 0 # Works but you shouldn't do that
del person.age # Deletes the _age attribute
person.age # Now raises AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute '_age'

There is a flaw here though, the age of a person isn't checked at initialization and as such:

person = Person("Malthus", -1)

is valid code in our implementation. We can fix this though by calling the setter inside __init__. This adds one line of code, we can't get rid of the first underscored assignment because the object otherwise doesn't know where to look for the attribute.

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self._name = name
        self._age = age
        self.age = age # Mind the lack of underscore!

   #... rest of the class' body

Now, the previous line with an invalid argument will raise a ValueError.

Property inheritance

Properties' behavior does carry in sub-classes. For example, an Employee class inheriting from the Person class will also benefit from the getters, setters and deleters of the parent class.

class Employee(Person):
    def __init__(self, name, age, salary):
        super().__init__(name, age)
        self._salary = salary

    def salary(self):
        return self._salary

    def salary(self, new_salary):
        if new_salary <= 0:
            raise ValueError(f"Salary must be positive but received: {new_salary}")
        elif new_salary >= 1_000_000:
            raise ValueError("Not allowed by the payroll software.")
            self._salary = new_salary

Using properties in the wild

A slightly more involved example of using a property is when we want to recompute a value on access because it might have changed since the last access.

For example, we might want to keep track of our employees in an EmployeeList that will give us aggregate information about our work force. In more complex settings, one would use a spreadsheet but nothing keeps you from using objects, which has the benefit of introducing no new dependencies.

class EmployeeList:
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.employees = args
        self._total_salaries = 0
        self._avg_age = 0

    def total_salaries(self):
        return self._total_salaries

    def avg_age(self):
        return self._avg_age

    def _compute_salaries(self):
        self._total_salaries = sum(e.salary for e in self.employees)

    def _compute_avg_age(self):
        self._avg_age = sum(e.age for e in self.employees) / len(self.employees)

employee_list = EmployeeList(
    Employee("Jenna", 30, 31_000),
    Employee("Fred", 57, 40_000),
    Employee("Mary", 45, 60_000),

print(employee_list.avg_age, employee_list.total_salaries) # 44.0 131000

If the recomputing is very expensive (in time or memory) you can add a boolean value that acts as a guard of sorts and which can be modified by another function or object. It amounts to a few checks like so:

class EmployeeList:
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.employees = args
        self._total_salaries = 0
        self._avg_age = 0
        self.salary_recompute = True
        self.avg_age_recompute = True

    def total_salaries(self):
        if self.salary_recompute:
            self.salary_recompute = False
        return self._total_salaries

    def avg_age(self):
        if self.avg_age_recompute:
            self.avg_age_recompute = False
        return self._avg_age

    def _compute_salaries(self):
        self._total_salaries = sum(e.salary for e in self.employees)

    def _compute_avg_age(self):
        self._avg_age = sum(e.age for e in self.employees) / len(self.employees)

Now, adding or removing employees should update the recomputing flags to ensure that those costly operations are only computed when needed.

This last example concludes the post, I hope you had fun reading it!


Properties help you manage attributes in Python objects at the cost of some overhead. They are most useful when attributes often change over times or over operations and when attributes assignment needs to be checked. If such operations are not required by your classes then you probably don't need to use them.
